Standard Quilt Sizes & Dimensions Guide

I always (ALWAYS) manage to forget the dimensions of standard quilt sizes. So, to combat my own forgetfulness, here they are in a handy screenshotable layout! Just don't forget that you may want to add or subtract a couple inches here or there: everyone has a personal preference for how much you like a quilt to drape over the side of the bed (or how large a throw quilt needs to be to be at its optimal cuddle-ability).

Screenshot these slides to save to your phone’s camera roll (or to Pinterest!) for easy and convenient future reference:

Standard Quilt Sizes (Dimensions in Inches):

  • Baby: 30” x 40”

  • Crib: 36” x 52”

  • Throw: 50” x 65”

  • Twin: 70” x 90”

  • Full: 85” x 108”

  • Queen: 110” x 108”

  • King: 110” x 108”

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