Eight-at-a-Time HSTs

Want to make eight Half Square Triangle (HST) in one fell swoop? Here’s the math and step-by-step illustrations to churn them out eight at a time. For marking my lines, I love to use Clover’s Chacopen Soluble Eraser Pen for light colored fabrics and General’s Pastel Chalk Pencil in White for my darks.  And if I’m being extra careful and am taking the time to pin my squares together, these Clover Patchwork Pins are my all time favorite.

Side note: while eight-at-a-time does sound more efficient than one, two, or four-at-a-time, each method has its pros and cons. Aka more at once doesn’t always translate to faster (marking lines takes time as does trimming). Try each method to find out which one works best for you and makes you happy while making!

And if you’re looking to make four Two or Four at a Time, I’ve got the math with step-by-step instructions here:

Two-at-a-Time HSTs

Four-at-a-Time HSTs

Looking for a screenshot friendly version to easily save to your phone? Scroll to the bottom of the post for my cheat-sheet version!

HSTs Eight-at-a-Time: The Formula

The "official" math (aka the in-a-perfect-world-where-I-don't-make-mistakes math) states that you add 1¾" to double your desired finished size HST.

(Finished HST Size x 2) + 1¾" = Starting Square Size

Since, as we’ve established, I always trim my HSTs down to size (and I assume you do too): just add 2" to two times your finished size and you'll be good to go!

(Finished HST Size x 2) + 2" = Starting Square Size

HSTs Eight-at-a-Time: Cutting Instructions

To make HSTs Two-at-a-Time, you'll need (2) same-size squares of different fabric. Here’s the finished/unfinished/starting square math:

Finished HST SizeUnfinished HST SizeStarting Squares

HSTs Eight-at-a-Time: Step by Step Instructions

"But, how do I make HSTs Eight-at-at-Time?" you ask? Never fear, I've got you covered!

To start, draw two diagonal lines (corner to corner) on the back of one of your accent square, then place it on top of a background square right sides together (step 1). Sew a ¼" on either side of both lines (step 2). Cut your squares in half and then half again (step 3). Cut each quadrant on the diagonal. Press and trim down to size as needed.

HSTs Eight-at-a-Time: Screenshot-able Cheat Sheet

Screenshot these slides to save to your phone’s camera roll (or to Pinterest!) for easy and convenient future reference:


Two-at-a-Time QSTs


Four-at-a-Time HSTs